Norwich occupies an emotional space in my mind that I’d describe as harmonic. Positioning isn’t just restricted to brands – Cities have certain schema/associations attached to them by an audience. There are even cases where cities and even countries have used strategy to position themselves in the minds of their audience, Sweden is a great example of this.  Sverige (Sweden) has it’s own brand manifesto, brand colours, and even their own font.

The key is finding a space that no-one else occupies and then owning it.

Once the position of a brand (or City) has been established, you have a reason to exist, something for which all of your messaging exists. Everything you do is done to strengthen your place in your prospect’s mind so that when they think of your brand – they automatically associate you with that emotional space you now own.

At Studio Bake we use creative brand positioning to bring everyone together – creating a culture that connects your team and your audience. Find out more.

Positioning Norwich

There are several reasons why I feel the Norwich owns the word ‘harmony’.  The city’s architecture blends historical buildings with modern developments, creating a visual connection. Norwich Cathedral, the Norman Castle, and contemporary designs sit comfortably together to preserve heritage while embracing progress.

I know that Alan Partridge joked about it, BUT the city center of Norwich is designed with pedestrians in mind. With its pedestrianized streets and walkways, I can dawdle at my own pace without rushing around, pestered by traffic.

On top of all of this, the city is surrounded by landscapes such as the Norfolk broads, the coast, forests, and wetlands, all contributing to the sense of harmony I associate with the area.

Your associations may be different for Norwich? You may see it as the epicentre for creative talent, a location crammed incredible places to get food (the seafood is incredible!) or you may even just think ‘mustard’. Whatever Norwich brings to the table for you – you have to admit it’s a pretty incredible place to be!