Cinema Advert

The challenge

Our task was to make a cinema advert for Thompson Smith & Puxon (TSP) solicitors. As we researched the project, we found out that people choose TSP because they treat each person as an individual with a unique case. Our main message is that TSP communicates the understanding that everyone is different.

What we did

In most cases, people don’t go to see a solicitor unless there has been some form of disruption.

This story aims to recognise and connect with its target audience in a way that ensures that they feel truly understand and feel heard.

By talking to the viewer directly and identifying them as a person and not a case number the piece handed the viewer back some control.

"You're just going to have to trust us."


We wanted to express individualism without isolating our demographic. The visual concept came about whilst making a round of drinks in the office –  everyone took their drinks in different ways.

This was a massive step for the client. They wanted to distance themselves from other firms that had created a typical brand story that used a conventional, dry corporate approach.

However, some members of the board felt that this step away from convention was too big for their first cinema advert.

This was one of those moments when we turned to the client and said: “you just need to trust us”.


The results

As well as being used on social media – the piece was then used to advertise TSP on TV, and then as a radio campaign. A second piece of work was commissioned which focused on negligence.