About Bake

Without a delicious raison d’etre, your business risks becoming fragmented, your team avoids telling the brand story, and your audience loses a sense of belonging.

As time passes, your company ends up with a disjointed brand strategy, multiple identities, and zero consistency.

A business unites under a solid brand strategy that clearly defines why it exists.

And that’s where I come in!


Daniel Spencer

Founder. Producer. Writer.

I have been creating content for over 25 years. Having spent a good number of years working in the television industry, I then co-founded Curveball Media with the mission to breathe some creativity into business videos – which – I feel we nailed. I then moved on to  set up Bake to offer a service that could offer a hand picked team of incredibly talented individuals to suit each client’s brand positioning needs.

I met my wife Louise when we were at University. Together, we have raise two incredible children Emily and Joseph in Norfolk, UK.

Former jobs: Strategic Director, Creative Lead, Producer, Content Strategist, Head Barman.

Credits include: Disney, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The BBC.

Bake is a collaboration. I build teams of the finest individuals (who I have worked with throughout my career) for each project and we blend our skills together to create something amazing. Each individual is a master at their own game and jumps onboard to projects as and when they’re needed. They’re all consultants and freelancers and incredibly awesome people.